Hopping Frog Number Line - SKOLA

Solitary play | Parent-child play

Hopping Frog Number Line - SKOLA

Age Groups: 4 to 5, 5 to 6 .

20 Points

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Toy Out in Circulation

Children love making the frog jump positions using their hands to reach the desired leaf. Each point on the graduated number line corresponds to a real number and the hopping frog helps them understand that addition is to move forward as opposed to subtraction, which is jumping backward.The toy simplifies abstract arithmetic operations and the quantity-position-distance correlation through creative representation making math extremely fun. As children make the frog jump from leaf to leaf, they understand the number sequence from a positional standpoint. The number line teaches them that if a number is to the right of any other number in a sequence, it is larger and the number that lies to the left of a number is smaller than that number. Reaching a specific number and moving forward on the line is how children learn to add directly. Similarly, they begin to understand subtraction involves counting backwards when they visualise the frog jumping to the left on the number line. Moving the frog along the line is an excellent fine motor skill activity that promotes the ability to write and most importantly connects number quantity and position.

Types of Play

Learning Objective


  • Brain Development
  • Calculations
  • logical Thinking
  • Memory skills
  • Numbers
  • Brain Development
  • Musical Skills
  • Quiet play

Other Details

  • Contents: 24 Pcs
  • Material: Wooden

  •  Everyone is a reader! Some just haven't found their favourite book yet.  
  •  It's not about how much money you make ,Its about HOW MUCH YOU SAVE! Renting is a smart way to save.  
  •  Through unstructured exploration we foster the development of imagination & creativity.  
  •  Why fit in when you were meant to stand out!  
  •  Express ideas, sharing with friends, being a good listener—playing is a natural way to develop good social skills.  
  •  Playful children are happy children.